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Advantages of steel construction

Advantages of steel constructions

Whenever we look into constructions two major materials are concrete and steel. The use of a steel as construction material for both residential and commercial application is drawing a popularly over more commercial material such as cement block and sheets  The advantages of steel is speed of construction, safety, value for money, robustness and ductility, prefabrication, reduced weight, architectural expression, configuration adaptability and sustainability. One of the most evident advantages of using a steel structure in construction is the ability of steel to span greater distances with steel ceiling joists. This allows engineers to expand their options, allowing them to create new and large space using steel products that just weren’t available with other materials.

 Strength and durability are the other advantages of steel constructions it means Structural steel components are stronger and lighter than the components made of weight-bearing concrete or wood. Weight-bearing steel fabrication is 30%-50% lighter than its wooden equivalent. This makes construction of steel structures stronger and more durable than traditional wooden structures.  A steel structure is intrinsically lighter than an equivalent concrete structure due to the higher strength and stiffness of steel. With lightness comes minimized load on foundations, hence smaller foundations and an ability to perform better for some ground conditions. Steel parts in steel structures are pre-manufactured to a specific design inside the manufacturing plant/fabrication shop and are shipped out in ready-to-be erected condition. It will help the engineers reduce their time and money. Hence it speeds up construction time significantly. So, it is possible to complete large-scale projects in a shorter period than usual. 

Today, when competing framing systems are evaluated for projects using comparable, current cost data, structural steel remains the cost leader for the majority of construction projects. Comparative studies indicate that a structural steel framing system including decking and fire protection will typically cost 5% to 7% less than a concrete framing system on a national basis. compared to RCC steel construction is very costless.Structural steel buildings can be modified in the future for new applications, loading conditions, vertical expansions and changes in owner desires in ways that other framing systems can never accomplish. Steel framing can easily and economically deliver Green Star (or IS) points by utilising: steel fabrication via members of the ASI Environmental Sustainability Charter (ESC),the use of higher strength steels steels that have an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).

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