Keywords Technologies


Steel is a composite or combination of iron and carbon. So the main raw materials we require are press mineral and coal. This iron metal along with metallurgical coke delivered from coke oven are fed as raw material into the blast furnace whereby decrease process us make pig iron. These fixings, sintered material (small measured iron metal protuberances and coal) and some fluxes (lime and dolomite) are also included. Contrasting option to the blast furnace course is the DRI route. The midrex process, HYL process and so on are the techniques by which wipe iron or DRI can be make. The pig iron delivered from the blast furnace is exchanged to the steel or iron melting shop by a torpedo spoon. After this outer desulphurization might be done relying upon the prerequisite of the client and from there on the pig press is charged into LD converter/BOF. In case of DRI, it is specifically charged into an EAF or CONARC shell and arcing is done alongside external spearing of oxygen. Pig iron contains around 93 to94% Fe, 4 to 4.5% C, around 1to1.5% Si, 1.02% Mn, S and P under 0.05%. In BOF; oxygen is blown through a water- cool copper spear to bring off carbon in the scope of 0.02– 0.07% and to evacuate contaminations exhibit in the pig press by shaping of  SiO2, P2O5, MnO, and FeO. The arrangement of this oxides alongside CO gas advancement happens in various consecutive advances and is subject to temperature and fractional weight kept up in the bath.

Once the essential refining has been done in BOF, the metal is taken to ARS(Argon Rinsing Station), where Al and other Ferro-combinations are added by the steel grade that will be made. An incomplete expansion is being done alongside argon cleansing to execute the shower and to use the high tapping temperature of BOF. In some cases, Al is supplanted by Fe-Si, contingent on whether the grade is aluminum or silicon killed.

Next in the line is the treatment of the warmth in LRF, where secondary refining is carried out by cutting down the sulfur content in the bath. Alloy increments are likewise done to accomplish the last point composition of the grade and the heat is then exchanged to CCM or Continuous throwing machine. If there should arise an occurrence of IF steel(Interstitial free steel); after LRF treatment, the warmth is taken to RH degasser for degassing and decarburization (carbon in these steels are in the scope of 0.002– 0.005%) and afterward at last to the caster.

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