► Back-end review and front end preview
► React and React Hooks
► Front end Block chain
► Front end Crypto currency
► Web application design: HTML, CSS, Saas, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Adavanced JavaScirpt
► Core Python, Python OOPS, Python standard library, Advanced Python
► Block Chain Application
► Block Crypto currencies –what why and How?
► Hashing Algorithm – Part 1
► Hashing and SHA -256
► Test Application
► Proof Of Work
► Preparing the Block chain for Collaboration
► Flask API and Pub/Sub
► Crypto currency Wallets, Keys and Transactions
► Transactions of the Network
► Connect Block chain and Cryptography
► Back-end review and front end preview
► React and React Hooks
► Front end Block chain
► Front end Crypto currency
► Duration: 2 months
► Block chain Project (5 Modules)
► After Completing Project Interview Scheduling
► Live Mock Test and interview Questions
► Practical Oriented Training
HTML provides a basic tags which is going to design the web applications. We can add complex code along with html tag. Here we will learn how to use each and every tag in html version 5. CSS is used to design and assigning styles to the web page. We are using CSS version 3 for designing attractive layout. CSS describes the styles in html page.
JavaScript is a emerging Object based Language for developing web applications. We are highly use JS for friend end validations. Type Script is a Object oriented compiled language. TS resolves the certain issues faced by java script. Type script is fully fledged server side technology for developing web applications.
SAAS is a part of every one daily life. SAAS is the three main categories of CLOUD computing. The most com one is Consumer level Products. SAAS is the third party application available in the internet with no physical connection to any one device. Example of SAAS are Microsoft DOCS, MsOffice365 etc. are providing productivity app in the internet. SAAS Allow users to connect and use Cloud Based approver the internet. SAAS Service is platform independent. When using SAAS you don’t need to install software on your PC. The cloud will run the single instance of the software and it will available for multiple users. The cloud will responsible for managing SAAS and it also manages the vendor. SAAS will be accessible by web browser or light weight client application. The main advantage is you can accessible in any platform at any time. SAAS is also excellent for collaborative working.
Angular JS is something related to javaScript. AngularJS developed in 2009 by Misko and Adam Abrons. AngularJS is mainly used to create Single Page Application (SPA) Project, Angular JS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. Angular Js is good to create RIA (Rich Internet Application). The bet feature of AngularJS is the inclusion of MVC Architecture.
Do you want to learn Programming in a fun way that is the fastest growing Programming which is Python. Python is so much of famous because of lots of reason in terms of areas using it. When we talk about Machine Learning , GUI, Software development, Web development etc. Python is programming language and it is also a interpreted, Object oriented, High level language. Python is actually an old language and it came into picture 1989. Latest version of Python is Python 3.0 released on December 2008.
Flask is a Python web framework built with small core and easy to extend philosophy. Flask is considered more pythonic than the Django web framework because in common situations the equivalent Flask Web applications is more explicit. If your application need NoSQL databse Flask will be the better framework to do it. Flask is convienient for smaller less complicated projects that have well defined scope and shorter anticipated life times. When think about project structure flask follows arbitrary project structure. Wen developing Single page application or using Rest API Flask will be the best choice for developing applications.
Block chains are incredibly popular now a days. Block chain name indicates block chain is a chain of blocks that contain information. This technique was originally described in 1991by a group of researches and was originally intended to timestamp digital documents so that it is not possible to backdate them or to tamper with them. How ever it went by mostly unused unit it was adopted by Santoshi Nakamoto in 2009 to create the digital crypto currency block chain. A block chain is a distributed ledger that is completely open to anyone . In Block chain once the data has been recorded inside a block chain it becomes very difficult to change it.
We are the best Block chain training in Kochi, Crypto currency with Block chain project Oriented training in Kochi, Flask training in Kochi, Kerala