Keywords Technologies

iOS 11 & Swift 4 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

Topics Covered

Web application design: HTML, CSS, ,SAAS,  Bootstrap, JavaScript, Advanced JavaScript,

Getting Started With IOS 11 & Swift 4


Swift Cheat sheet and Map of Xcode

IOS Interface Builder

Side loading in IOS

Build IOS Dice App to Learn Swift Programming

Swift Data types, Variable And Arrays

Programming in Swift 4 for Beginners

Apple IOS Music App

MVC Design Patten

Build Story App

Course time in keywords technology

Duration: 2 month

IOS App Project (10 Modules)

After Completing Project Interview Scheduling 

Live Mock Test and interview Questions

Practical Oriented Training2


HTML provides a basic tags which is going to design the web applications. We can add complex code along with html tag. Here we will learn how to use each and every tag in html version 5. CSS is used to design and assigning styles to the web page. We are using CSS version 3 for designing attractive layout. CSS describes the styles in html page.

TypeScript vs JavaScript

JavaScript is a emerging Object based Language for developing web applications. We are highly use JS for friend end validations. Type Script is a Object oriented compiled language. TS resolves the certain issues faced by java script. Type script is fully fledged server side technology for developing web applications.


Bootstrap is a free, open source, and is the most popular HTML, CSS, JavaScript framework developed by twitter for creating responsive web application. Bootstrap framework is based on all open standards of html, css, js etc. The main advantage of bootstrap is it support responsive design. In bootstrap there are different reusable components built to provide iconography, drop downs, navigations, alerts, popups and much more. In Bootstrap we can also added custom JQuery plugins.


JQuery is the most popular library today. It is a library of JavaScript functions which make it easy for web page developers to do common tasks like manipulating the web page, responding to user events, getting data from their service , building effects and animations and much more. JQuery builds on top of the functionality that browsers give up via the JavaScript DOM API.

Xcode 9

Xcode is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) created by Apple. It Contains a suites of software development tools used for developing OSX and iOS software. It was first released in 2003. It is available via Mac App store with free of charge. Xcode includes editors, compilers, and other necessary tools required for facilitate development. It support development for apple’s devices including Macs iphone and ipads. Xcode is designed to operate best as single window interface. Xcode has excellent support for version control using Git or subversion. Xcode is a rich and powerful environment for developing code. Xcode can buld universal binaries which allow software to run on power pc and intel based platform.

Swift 4

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for iOS and OSX development. Swift adopts the best of C and Objective- C, without the constrains of C compatibility. Swift uses the same run time as the existing Objective-C system on Mac OS and the iOS, which enable program to run on many existing iOS 6 and OSX 10.8 platforms.


We are the best  iOS training in Kochi, iOS Apps Project Oriented training in Kochi, Swift 4 training in Kochi, Kerala