A MEAN stack developer is someone who has good knowledge in some particular
(specialised) areas alone. MEAN stack development refers to the development process that
falls within these particular set of technologies MongoDB, Express’s, AngularJs, NodeJS. In
simple words, MEAN stack developer are same like JS-based application developers
► Designing :HTML, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap, Webpack, JavaScript, Git, Linux Shell scripts
► Front end tools code: Advanced JavaScript, TypeScript, Web Technology, Angular (latest), Pipes, Converters, Custom Pipes, Custom Converters, Component to Component Interactions, NodeJS, Domain, Buffers, Client-Server, File System, Process, Express, JSON Web token, Passport, React, JSX,Components, Redux, Modular CSS
► Back end: Nestjs, Data Replication, Sharding, Indexing, Data Pipeline, Aggregations, Big Data, MapReduce, D3.js, HAProxy, Apache Web Server Installation and Configuration, NginX, Nodejs Deployment
► Data base: SQL, MySQL, MongoDB
► Duration: 3 month
► MEAN Stack Project (6 Modules)
► After Completing Angular Interview Scheduling
► Live Mock Test and interview Questions
► Practical Oriented Training
HTML provides a basic tags which is going to design the web applications. We can add complex code along with html tag. Here we will learn how to use each and every tag in html version 5. CSS is used to design and assigning styles to the web page. We are using CSS version 3 for designing attractive layout. CSS describes the styles in html page.
JavaScript is a emerging Object based Language for developing web applications. We are highly use JS for friend end validations. Type Script is a Object oriented compiled language. TS resolves the certain issues faced by java script. Type script is fully fledged server side technology for developing web applications.
SAAS is a part of every one daily life. SAAS is the three main categories of CLOUD computing. The most com one is Consumer level Products. SAAS is the third party application available in the internet with no physical connection to any one device. Example of SAAS are Microsoft DOCS, MsOffice365 etc. are providing productivity app in the internet. SAAS Allow users to connect and use Cloud Based approver the internet. SAAS Service is platform independent. When using SAAS you don’t need to install software on your PC. The cloud will run the single instance of the software and it will available for multiple users. The cloud will responsible for managing SAAS and it also manages the vendor. SAAS will be accessible by web browser or light weight client application. The main advantage is you can accessible in any platform at any time. SAAS is also excellent for collaborative working.
Angular JS is something related to javaScript. AngularJS developed in 2009 by Misko and Adam Abrons. AngularJS is mainly used to create Single Page Application (SPA) Project, Angular JS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. Angular Js is good to create RIA (Rich Internet Application). The bet feature of AngularJS is the inclusion of MVC Architecture.
This the very updated technology which is created and run web applications. Angular has done a very major change from AngularJS to Angular 2. Angular is a open source client side JavaScript framework developed by Google which gives complete solution for rapid and awesome front end development. Angular combines declarative templates, Dependency Injection, end to end tooling and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build application that live on the web, mobile or desktop.
Node.js is a run time environment which uses v8 JavaScript engine. where you can run JavaScript code. Using Nodejs you can run your application in your physical machine note on the browser also you can build stand aloe application. node js is actually a JavaScript engine which help to run our JavaScript code in your machine. In node.js there are different modules. That’s why you can use node.js as server side Module. So jvasript can be used on client side as well as server side.
Express.js is a java script framework for developing web application. Express.js is backend frame work for developing application. Express.js is a web framework which provides you minimum requirement that will build a amazing website. Express is fast, unopinionated and minimalist web framework for node.js. Express.js is not actually compatible with react, angular or vue. It can be used in combination with those frameworks to build full stack applications.
It is actually Document oriented NoSQL Database. That means it not a relational database. In relational data base using tables rows queries etc. to manage relational schema. In no relation data is independent there is no relation with each other .Mongo DB is a schema free database and it based in Binary JSON;BSON. Mongo DB organized in Group of documents called collections. The advanced feature of Mongo DB is Auto-sharing in order to scale horizontally. MongoDB uses Simple queries that is rich, document based queries that is little bit different from normal queries.
Collection | Table |
Document | Raw |
Field | column |
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