► Web application design: HTML, CSS, , Bootstrap, JavaScript, Advanced JavaScript
► PHP : Core PHP, Laravel fundamentals routes, Laravel Fundamentals Controllers, Laravel Fundamentals Views, Laravel Blade Templating Engine, Database, Laravel Migrations, Raw SQL Queries, Laravel Fundamentals Databse eloquent /ORM, Code igniter ,MVC Framework, Code igniter Machine ,MYSQL
► Ajax, JQuery, Word Press, REST API, Open Cart
► Duration: 3 month
► PHP-Laravel MVC Project (6 Modules)
► After Completing Laravel Interview Scheduling
► Live Mock Test and interview Questions
► Practical Oriented Training
HTML provides a basic tags which is going to design the web applications. We can add complex code along with html tag. Here we will learn how to use each and every tag in html version 5. CSS is used to design and assigning styles to the web page. We are using CSS version 3 for designing attractive layout. CSS describes the styles in html page.
JavaScript is a emerging Object based Language for developing web applications. We are highly use JS for friend end validations. Type Script is a Object oriented compiled language. TS resolves the certain issues faced by java script. Type script is fully fledged server side technology for developing web applications.
Bootstrap is a free, open source, and is the most popular HTML, CSS, JavaScript framework developed by twitter for creating responsive web application. Bootstrap framework is based on all open standards of html, css, js etc. The main advantage of bootstrap is it support responsive design. In bootstrap there are different reusable components built to provide iconography, drop downs, navigations, alerts, popups and much more. In Bootstrap we can also added custom JQuery plugins.
JQuery is the most popular library today. It is a library of JavaScript functions which make it easy for web page developers to do common tasks like manipulating the web page, responding to user events, getting data from their service , building effects and animations and much more. JQuery builds on top of the functionality that browsers give up via the JavaScript DOM API.
PHP Hypertext Pre-processor is a open source server side scripting language. PHP is commonly used to create dynamic web applications. PHP scripts reside between reserved php tags. This allows the programmer to embed PHP scripts with in HTML Pages. PHP is actually an interpreted language , scripts are parsed at run time rather than compiled beforehand. PHP code is executed at server side. PHP source code is not visible to he client. In PHP there are different built in functions allow for fast development. PHP can also compatible with many Popular database.
Laravel is a framework for creating PHP Websites. Laravel works well with MySQL databases. The developers of Laravel aims that to make developers process pleasing without sacrificing quality. Laravel is actually most popular and respected PHP frame work. Laravel uses MVC Design Pattern. The main advantage of using Laravel framework is the developed application is become moere scalable and development time is also less. Laravel includes namespaces and interfaces , thus help to organize and manage resoureces.
REpresentational STate Transfer is the process in which we are changing the state of the data. It is an architectural style for designing networked application. It relies on a stateless , client server protocol , almost always HTTP. REST treats server object as resources that can be created or destroyed Rest can uses virtually by any Programming languages
If you heard about JSON Before it is used in Android applications, Web Services, REST API’s etc.JSON is simply a format to send data from client to server and vice versa. When think about dynamic applications we are sending request to the server and data will be getting. In previously we are getting data in the format of text or html format. When sending data in the format of text/plain text it will be difficult to read as well as send. When we are getting data from server or any dynamic application that application can be built in java, php, python or whatever it is. But I need the data or Object it will be easy to understand and read in my application. In that sense we are getting data in a serializable format. That JavaScript Object. We can declare JSON In a key and value Pairs. In JSON format will convert the server data in key and value Pairs
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