Keywords Technologies

History of steel

The story of steel starts long before bridges, I-beams, and skyscrapers. It begins in the stars. Billions of years before humans walked the Earth—before the Earth even existed—blazing stars fused atoms into iron and carbon. Over countless cosmic explosions and rebirths, these materials found their way into asteroids and other planetary bodies, which slammed into […]

Advantages of steel constructions

The most of structural steelwork is prefabricated, with very little sitework required other than assembly via bolted connections. This leads to quick construction times and, with attention to staged delivery, decongested construction sites, which makes it ideal for congested CBD building projects on small sites.  Unlike concrete, steel frames are full strength as soon as they […]

Whats is steel and type of steel

Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon containing less than 2% carbon and 1% manganese and small amounts of silicon, phosphorus, sulphur and oxygen. Steel is the world’s most important engineering and construction material. Some general points are the grade of the steel depending on yield strength of the steel, yield strength is considered […]